Thursday, August 4, 2011

Car Break In

My girls and I volunteer at "This is the Place Heritage Park". A week ago when we came back from doing our job...we found our window bashed in. Needless to say we were all a bit of a wreck. I drug the girls back to the visitor center to call 911.
I found out that cops DO NOT come out. They just have you file something on line.
Breanna was crying hysterically. I was trying to be really calm so that she didn't freak out any more.

Holly, who works with the volunteers, came and and helped me get some things cleaned up.
In the end the car was the easy fix.
It was calling the banks, going to the bank, trying to get a driver's license, waiting for you credit card to arrive..and your check book to come.

Then you have to call work to fix direct deposit, and direct withdrawal.
Then try to get all your bills still paid in time with no money.
Then try to eat something since this happened right after vacation and there was no food.
Then try to throw a 7 year old birthday party.
I am wiped out.

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